Monday, July 7, 2014

Appearance, appearance, apprearance.

Appearance is always the main article you should watch out for when approaching anyone, man or woman, for an on the spot foot or tickle session. This can be in the library, or on the road. I find that to be attractive to your subjects and as unthreatening as possible will always lower their defenses.

Appearance is not just about clothes or hair. It's about how your personality reflects you to the outside world. You can be dressed in the most trendy fashion, but if your world attitude is complete horse crap, you will not be successful. As such, I'm going to start with a focus on the mind, and work my way to the clothes.

1. Cultivate patience.

When you're patient with someone, it shows in how they will react to you. They will be more at ease. Which will ultimately translate into more feet for you. How do you cultivate patience? Build up an understanding that people aren't going to be the same as others, and that despite that piece of human nature that you're eventually going to get what you want. You may not get the person right then. But give it time, and patience, and creativity. They eventually wear down. They all wear down, and you can benefit from those lowered defenses.

That is the terminus of the thrill of the hunt.

2. Be mindful of what you say, do and think.

The worst thing you can do when you're sitting down to work on a person is to say something offensive to their sensibilities. Because with that one offense, people tend to judge your whole character. You probably don't particularly care about how Hitler killed six million people who disagreed with his actions, but a person who is "politically correct" might because they are sensitive to that issue and have allowed themselves to be programmed as such.

So, being aware of the thoughts that form in your head and being aware of what you say is very important. When highly sensitive issuesarise let the other person talk.

3. Always smile.

Don't smile like a maniac, and don't smile like an overeager child who is about to get their favorite dinner. Smile every so often in a calm, approving way. Practice the smile, look in the mirror. Work on controlling the elements of your face as well. We often are not aware of what our faces do unless we are in a high emotional state. Be sure to practice in front of a mirror, so you can see how you look when doing these things.

4. Be Clean.

This should go without saying, but if you don't get it: People like being around clean people. Put on a scent, or use no scent. Wear clean clothes, or clean looking clothes. Dress the way the culture of your mark dresses to not draw attention to yourself.

5. Speak clearly.

Speaking clearly means you'll have no problem with your mark not understanding you, unless the mark is a dullard on their part. Speak from your diaphragm and always say what you mean. Even if it means you will take am moment to figure it out.

6. Be fazed by nothing.

Appear as if you are unfazed by the world around you. The mark is your world. Treat them as such.

7. Keep healthy.

Keep your body fit, consume foods such as fruits and vegetables, juices and water. Exercise and get good sleep. Your brain must be sharp. You are playing a game of strategy. Your body must be sharp, not only because you are in the presence of people and don't want to get sick or that people respond better to healthy people, but because on the off chance that someone attempts to hurt or intimidate you, you can look like you will tear out their lower intestine. I haven't had to do it yet, but I'm quite willing to do so if necessary.

Those are my tips on appearance. I will return to them on occasion, and add more as necessary. All of this work is connected, so everything works together as a machine.

Foot Witch Signing Off.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The First Page- Introductions, who I am, and why I'm doing this.

Please leave comments. It helps me tailor my future posts to help you do what you need to do.

Greetings everyone. My name is Kutakuti, and I'm what I like to call, a Foot Witch. I don't know about all things feet, but I can be the person who somehow gets all kinds of feet when others can't see how I do it. It's like magic to some people, so I guess I'll take the title.

Why am I doing this? Because I see a lot of people on different forums who are longing to get their hands on some feet, or bodies, and enjoy them in the manner of tickling or just pleasing themselves with the feet. All of which I've done at one point or another. It gets tiring when I hear people say the same things over and over.

"How do I get feet, bro?"
"Ask her, straight up, dude."

The worse thing for me is to see how some people who are fearful of rejection tell others "Don't try it, you'll be hurt, bro." That's nonsense.

And for me, and a select few who I've taught my methods to, we've been enjoying ourselves. But I don't like to see others suffering when I have a means to help them not suffer.

I will warn you now, this is serious business. It's not like you're playing around, you'll probably develop the same hunger for hearing the laughter, touching and caressing the bodies of, and enjoying the feet of beautiful women and men that I've developed. It is fun, when you get to do what you want.

I'll teach you these methods, for free for the most part. My only wish is that you use this information to help yourself and others, use finesse in articulating these methods to others, and use these methods wisely.

Don't go fucking over someone you'll wish you hadn't.

Some of my methods many people will speak badly of because they do not use morality as a basis. This is by no means Machiavellian, but there will always be critics.There is an old adage that I don't like to use often, but in this situation, it is perfectly suitable. "Those who know, don't say. Those who say, don't know."

I think that's all I have to say for now. I'll try to update this every week or two. If you have questions, e-mail me at with the heading Foot Witch so I can funnel it into the proper folder and answer the questions in the blog.

Foot Witch signing off.